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Monday, June 18, 2012

LeVar Burton - Generation X+, X-, and X'

LeVar Burton has three avatars created in Hollywood Land, that are locked to three different states of mind. Depending upon which part of Generation X you would have grown up with him to three different forms.

Generation X+ sees him in the light of Kunta Kinte (with a connection to the distant past)

Generation X' sees him as Reading Rainbow Man (planted here in the now as himself)

Generation X- sees him as Geordi Laforge (with a connection to the distant future)

How do you see him first and foremost? Most of the Americans over the age of 40 with the older part of Generation X (GENERATION X-PLUS) sees him as Kunta Kinte. The core leaders of Gen X+ are kids who watched roots just before they hit their teens. Gen X+ is pure and made 'first perception' with LeVar when Roots ran for the first time.

However most Americans under the age of 30 think Star Trek and Geordi Laforge. This group includes the younger portion of Generation X (GENERATION X-MINUS) plus Generation I (I is for Internet). The core leaders of Gen X- only grew up with Geordi before they hit their teens.

The smallest group in between ages 30 & 40 see him as he is - Uncle LeVar Burton - aka Reading Rainbow Man: this is Generation X-prime. But you don't have to take my word for it - ask someone! The core leaders of Gen X' watched Reading Rainbow before Star Trek the Next Generation and were ignorant of Roots.


Did you get happy as a kid when you heard the opening theme?

the double primes

Gen X+', Gen X+-
Gen X'+, Gen X'-
Gen X-+, Gen X-'

Generation X plus prime

= grew up during the Original Roots Phenomena but made 'first perception' of LeVar via Reading Rainbow.

Generation X plus minus
= grew up when Roots took a front seat in the Media but made 'first perception' of LeVar via Star Trek the Next Generation

Generation X prime plus
= grew up after the Roots Phenomena but before Star Trek the Next Generation and made 'first perception' of LeVar as Kunta Kinte

Generation X prime minus
= grew up before Star Trek the Next Generation and after Roots and made 'first perception' of LeVar as Geordi Laforge


Generation X minus plus
= grew up when Star Trek the Next Generation was current but had 'first perception' of LeVar in a Roots rerun

Generation X minus prime
= grew up when Star Trek the Next Generation was fresh but made 'first perception' with LeVar as reading rainbow host

FINALLY THE Double Minus
'some people should be kept in the dark'
Generation X+--
Generation X plus minus minus, grew up during Roots but never saw it and don't know who LeVar Burton is

Generation X'--
Generation X prime minus minus, grew up inbetween Roots and STNG but never made contact with LeVar and don't know who he is

Generation X ---
Generation minus minus minus, grew up during the Star Trek the Next Generation but never saw it and don't know who LeVar is

Generation X minus minus people could be Amish, Mennonite, Fundamentalist & Religiously home schooled, extreme liberal or conservative, hippie commune children, grew up in orphanages or on the street, had over bearing parents, weren't allowed to watch TV, etc...

It is important to never force or judge a Generation X minus minus into knowing about our watching a TV show or film about LeVar Burton. Some people are never meant to know. "First Perception" will come naturally if it supposed to. It may seem sad that some of Generation X will never enjoy Reading Rainbow, Star Trek the Next Generation, or Roots and that is okay.

You really have to live through a phenomena to feel and know it. The majority of American Generations today have never felt the 60s or 50s. They may have gotten a sniff of them in movies, music and TV but that is totally artificial. But children can feel it from their elders if they 'hang out' with them.

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